Notice: Iron Fleet in Goerli is under development and is built on the StarkNet alpha testnet which is very slow. Users should expect long wait times after signing transactions. Be sure to install the Argent X wallet prior to interacting with the dApp!

What is Iron Fleet?

Iron Fleet is an innovative new protocol which will allow users on StarkNet to pool their assets together for deposits into layer 1 DeFi protocols such as Yearn vaults and split the gas fees with each other. This means that when many users are depositing / withdrawing, gas fees are near 0.

Iron Fleet is completely trust-less, decentralized and perhaps most importantly, composable. This means that other protocols on StarkNet can leverage Iron Fleet to incorporate native layer 1 yield, a powerful capability which has not existed in the StarkNet ecosystem until now.

How do fees work in Iron Fleet?

Gas on layer 1 is split amongst crew members in the ship. This is the reason that gas fees can be near 0 for a single user transaction. In addition to this, there are also layer 2 fees on StarkNet which the user must pay in order to deposit into the protocol. In testnet, these fees are 0, however once StarkNet introduces fees, that will change. We expect these fees to be very low in reality, just like any transaction on StarkNet.

Will Iron Fleet have a token?

At time of writing, no details have been shared regarding a token for Iron Fleet, just like no information has been shared about a token for Starkswap. If this changes we will update this section.

How does Iron Fleet work?

This diagram outlines the components that facilitate Iron Fleet.

Copy of design.drawio (2).png

High level flow:

  1. User deposits tokens into an open ship
  2. L2Admiral aggregates deposits until a user / Keeper launches the current ship
  3. L2Admiral transfers the deposits to L1 via StarkGate
  4. Keeper watches the bridge events and triggers L1Admiral to withdraw all ships from StarkGate
  5. L1Admiral deposits the total amount in one transaction to Yearn, receives back the yvTokens and sends them back to L2Admiral via StarkGate
  6. L2Admiral distributes yvTokens to users based on their share in the ride, minus gas fees.